Pulp & Fizz is a creative lifestyle brand from Rockport, Massachusetts specializing in colorful, adventurous, and immersive experiences.
• Pulp & Fizz creates educational content within the Roots Reggae genre, most notably with the series Riddim a Day which documents hundreds of legendary roots reggae basslines with accurate musical transcriptions available online for free.
• Pulp & Fizz supports creative pursuits of artists like ROJI, Pier Ave, Cultural Roots, and Toussaint the Liberator.
• Artist Michael Lamarche creates artwork for the Pulp & Fizz brand with his unique style that celebrates life with vibrant colors and a grounded Earthy nature.
• Pulp & Fizz promotes arts initiatives like the innovative new format from ROJI, the Musicomic - musical comicbooks where a story unfolds with music and visuals simultaneously.
• Pulp & Fizz has created the promotional graphics and contributed production assistance to the Rockport Acoustic Music Festival for nearly 10 years.
• Pulp & Fizz operates pop-up shops that feature works created by the brand and collectibles treasured by members of our community.