Pulp & Fizz Slice Logo

Pulp & Fizz is a creative lifestyle brand from Rockport, Massachusetts specializing in colorful, adventurous, and immersive experiences.


• Pulp & Fizz creates educational content within the Roots Reggae genre, most notably with the series Riddim a Day which documents hundreds of legendary roots reggae basslines with accurate musical transcriptions available online for free.

• Pulp & Fizz supports creative pursuits of artists like ROJI, Pier Ave, Cultural Roots, and Toussaint the Liberator.


• Artist Michael Lamarche creates artwork for the Pulp & Fizz brand with his unique style that celebrates life with vibrant colors and a grounded Earthy nature.

• Pulp & Fizz promotes arts initiatives like the innovative new format from ROJI, the Musicomic - musical comicbooks where a story unfolds with music and visuals simultaneously.


• Pulp & Fizz has created the promotional graphics and contributed production assistance to the Rockport Acoustic Music Festival for nearly 10 years.

• Pulp & Fizz operates pop-up shops that feature works created by the brand and collectibles treasured by members of our community.

Founded in 2015 as an arts collective in Rockport, MA

Pulp & Fizz is a toast, a celebration of life in our seaside town.

Pier Ave Poster

Friends making music, art, and spending hours on the beach discussing Philosophy, Dub Reggae, and Star Wars.

The latest is ROJI.

An adventure tale that blurs the lines of music and comicbooks into what we call the MUSICOMIC!

Music videos by Michael Lamarche and Cayden Grooms